Trucks, Construction, Forestry, & Farm - Montgomery, AL

If you need more pictures or inspections call 334-264-3265
Auction Schedule:

Each day starts at 8 am (multiple rings will be running)

Tuesday March 13th : Dump Trucks and Truck Tractors

Wednesday March 14th: Mixer Trucks, Bucket Trucks, Specialty Trucks, Trailers and Contractor’s Misc.

Thursday March 15th: Construction (Note: Ring 2 starts at 10 am)

Friday March 16th: Forestry and Farm

Auction Details

If you need more pictures or inspections call 334-264-3265
Auction Schedule:

Each day starts at 8 am (multiple rings will be running)

Tuesday March 13th : Dump Trucks and Truck Tractors

Wednesday March 14th: Mixer Trucks, Bucket Trucks, Specialty Trucks, Trailers and Contractor’s Misc.

Thursday March 15th: Construction (Note: Ring 2 starts at 10 am)

Friday March 16th: Forestry and Farm

Auction Schedule
Auction Concluded
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